
My spirituality has radically changed the last 3 years or so.  This idea about the Kingdom being a “here and now” sorta thing – it’s really foreign to me.  Up until a couple of years ago, I conceptualized faith as being this very personal thing – a moral system built to keep people in line, following the right rules, doing the right things, and helping others here and there when you can.

But the Jesus I’ve come to know is about self-sacrifice.  He’s about fighting for the weak, aiding the poor, and ameliorating the worst of human conditions by offering a little respect and love.

And now, I feel it’s time for me to start moving past just theorizing about these things, and constructing good orthodoxy.  Orthodoxy without orthopraxy is useless.

I’m aligning my actions with my ideals. 

So Sunday afternoon, you will find me down in D.C. for the Save Darfur Rally.  Those of you in the greater Bmore/D.C. area, I’d strongly urge you to join in this effort – regardless of how educated you are on the issue (Here’s a link for a quick synopsis on the situation in Darfur, Sudan right now).  This IS faith in action right here.  We’re far too powerful a nation to allow these atrocities to continue without at least crying out to say that this is wrong.  And if you don’t have time, try to stop by the website, sign a postcard to President Bush, and become part of the “million voices” who would like to see something happen here.

God bless!

D.J. Free!

7 thoughts on “Darfur!

  1. I’m so excited you’re doing this.  We don’t have a rally for that around here, but Saturday night I’ll be a participant in the Global Commute (http://www.invisiblechildren.com) for the movement to save Ugandan children from the LRA and put an end to the rape and massacre of the Ugandan people.  The world doesn’t seem to pay much attention to Africa, and I don’t understand why.  Hopefully between all the people participating in these two events, the people of Africa will no longer be invisible to the world.  The past months I’ve been overwhelmed with a passion for Africa and I don’t know why.  I’ve never been much into Africa.  It’s probably Oprah’s fault. 
    I’m very happy there’s such a movement going on right now.  I hope it doesn’t fade out.  Maybe change really is possible. 

  2. I’ve been trying to change my lifestyle according to my beliefs as well. It’s great that you’re also getting politically involved– I need to do more of that.I’m not sure I understand the Kingdom of God yet. I don’t think I can. But it’s quite interesting to think about the Kingdom as being here, now, inside of us. That leaves us with no excuses like “we can’t be perfect (or better) now– we’ll only be better when the Kingdom comes in the future.” Of course, taking away our excuses is about the most challenging and scary thing we can do.

  3. Ah, I see you remembered my Xanga name, so you are officially able to stalk me if you so choose. That’s cool, I suppose. heheAnyway, after watching that film, I felt that I needed to just spend some time with God reflecting on what I had just seen, and how it relates to my life. It was a very powerful movie–very well done–and I needed to just chew on it a bit, you know? It just saddens me how common that story is for so many people in America, would you agree?

  4. do you and your friend want to go to an orioles game on saturday? a co-worker and i might go, our other coworker is selling us really good tickets for 10 bucks each…let me know. 🙂

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